viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

Noche de amor

Eché a volar mi palabra

a que anidara en tu oído.

- Amor, amor – susurraba

mientras hacía su nido.

-Amor, amor – repetías –

seas Amor bienvenido.

- Amor, amor – redoblaba

el tambor de mi latido.

Te recibí entre mis brazos,

cuerpo desnudo y garrido,

y te conduje entre halagos

al loco umbral del gemido.

En dulcísimos contiendas

la noche se nos ha ido:

hasta los filos del alba

el amor no se ha rendido.

1 comentario:

Francisco Redondo dijo...

Dear Peter Ingestad: I'm very pleased in the knowledge of your philosophy and your poetry, a bite different from mine but not too much.

My love poetry, I think, is some bite different from your's: I have put away the christian inheritance (I hope it) because today I prefer the helenistic and pagan point of view; in love my goddess is Afrodita better than the sad misoginal tradition from Saulo of Tarso. My inspiration provents from Epicuro better than Thomas from Aquino. I have leaved all kind of hope from any kind of Catholicism.

My philosophy: Charles Baudelaire, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking, Arthur Rimbaud (why not?), and Serge Latouche, Cornelius Castoriadis, and Spaniards Poets as Antonio Machado, Federico Garcia Lorca, Miguel Hernández, Rafael Alberti, Luis Cernuda, Gabriel Celaya, Blas de Otero, Luis García Montero, and latino americans as Pablo Neruda, Nicolás Gullén, etc.
